Records Retrieval

Local Offices | Nationwide and International Services

Experienced Records Retrieval Professionals

When Nell McCallum began her career as a court reporter in 1968, she immediately began to address other needs within the litigation community. Since that time, Nell McCallum & Associates has provided records retrieval services in all areas of litigation.

Nell McCallum & Associate’s Microsoft Azure cloud-based repository allows clients to download their records, view status and full scope verbiage and review invoices.  Clients also have access to our compilation of over 40,000 institutions throughout the US and abroad.

Our records retrieval staff has an average of 25 years of experience in litigation support and 12 years of employment with our company.  This employee tenure is unmatched in our industry and allows us to provide our clients with the highest level of customized personal service.

All records are available for view and download on our Microsoft Azure cloud-based repository which provides our clients with viewable invoices, scope and status information in the most up-to-date, secure HIPAA compliant setting.

  • Microsoft Azure Secured Web Repository
  • Nationwide/Worldwide Records Retrieval
  • Unmatched Employee Tenure